Reannah Horton
Using the JBQ Guidelines To Do Your Best
Reannah has the privilege of overseeing the Pen Florida District for Junior Bible Quiz. She has served as District coordinator for three years and has been heavily involved in JBQ ministry for nineteen years. Her journey in Junior Bible Quiz began as a quizzer in 2005, and I since has served as an official, coach, and league coordinator. JBQ has been the greatest spiritual and biblical influence in her life, and considers it an honor to give back to this amazing ministry.

Christopher Mank
Running an Effective Practice
Christopher leads the Bible Quiz ministry at Discover Church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. He has a heart for God and His Word since being saved in 2005. Christopher and his wife Lea have been married for 17 years. They have 4 boys between the ages of 6 and 12. Bible Quiz is a way of life in their house with everyone involved in the ministry. Bible Quiz has been a tremendous blessing for their family.
Professionally, Christopher is an IT consultant with over 18 years of experience in helping companies build technical solutions and developing a positive and effective workplace culture.

Dan Anderson
How to Inspire Parents
Dan has served 22+ years in the Bible Quiz ministry, He is very passionate about helping kids know and understand God’s Word. Dan is working at becoming a fully appointed US missionary Specialized in Family Discipleship. Nothing makes him more excited than to see a family with the desire to disciple children, in a regular, maintainable, Intentional way. His heart’s desire is to inspire parents to see the full value of the Bible quiz ministry, not just the competition.

Julie Pratt
It is Not About Winning But Making Disciples // Innovative Ways To Use the Bible Fact Pal // District Coordinators Q&A
Julie Pratt is the Assemblies of God Children’s Ministries Director of Discipleship and has a long history of involvement in kids and family ministry including the local church, Christian Higher education, and as a ministry consultant. She has authored articles, been a featured speaker at seminars and training events, church events, and is a kids camp and retreat speaker.
Julie is passionate about child discipleship, and the role of the church and the family in helping lead children to become lifelong followers of Jesus. She is gifted at training church leaders and parents in developing strategies to disciple today’s kids so they can stand firm against the weight of culture and become leaders of tomorrow’s church. She is an inspiring communicator with both children and adult audiences, and is available for speaking engagements in your district, church, or camp.

Sherri Alexander
How to Promote Bible Quiz
Sherri was introduced to JBQ at a kid’s camp in 1993. Shortly thereafter took the entire children's department to a Bible quiz meet; 4 quizzers. She has loved the ministry ever since.
Sherri has served beside her senior pastor husband for over 25 years, introducing JBQ in churches as they moved around Tennessee. She became the Coordinator for TN in the summer of 2022, God has blessed the rebuilding efforts after 2020 and 12 churches have been added to the ministry.

Todd Papendick
Coaches Round Table
Todd Papendick has been involved in JBQ for over 40 years. Currently, he serves in leadership at the District, Regional, and National levels. His passion is to see children and families experience the love of God in their lives.