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Quizzing and Covid-19.

What an interesting world that we live in today, and what will JBQ look like in 2020 because of shortages of toilet paper? Quizzing always has, and always will be, a great tool that has helped and motivated kids and adults to study the word of God. However, quizzing as we know it could look different in the days to come. Different times may lead to different ways for quizzing that will do the very same thing that it has been doing for years, getting people into the word of God. We all love quizzing. It’s awesome and we need to thank God for all it has done over the years. Then, we need to know God is in control. He knew about this virus. He knows about quizzing. He is now giving us a chance to keep thinking about how we can quiz in 2020. Be praying with us, letting God guide your creative brain. I believe that God will show us exactly how we should continue. We’re not going to let the enemy stop us, we are going to be creative and overcome. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world and we will overcome. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. We shall go forward we will overcome.

The festival team and the regional reps will be talking, meeting, and moving forward with clear communication with all of you in the near future. Thank you for praying, thank you for being patient, and thank you for helping kids learn the word of God. May we practice what God has taught us as each of us go through this season of life.

We love all of you for what you were doing and know that I am praying for you. God bless!

Pastor Barry Jorris Festival Chairman

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falon jakel
falon jakel
Mar 19, 2020

My daughter said last year she was going to going to earn her master seal and get up on that stage at National Festival in Naperville. She tested out two weeks ago and made it! Looking forward to making Nationals and seeing her walk up on that stage! All of this time off school is giving our team much more study time!!

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