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How to Qualify for the JBQ National Festival 2021

1) Each District Champion is automatically qualified but must declare intent to attend the Festival at their District competition. If the District Champion chooses not to attend the National Festival, the District Coordinator should select the next qualified team from that District.

2) Each Regional competition will qualify six teams not previously qualified at the District competition. Only three of these Regional qualifiers may come from any one District. Regional qualifiers must declare intent to attend at the Regional competition.

3) At large, invitations from the Festival committee will be issued in the following manner:

  • Any team which participated in and presents statistics from an “in-person” quiz meet will receive primary consideration.

  • Any team which utilized “Autoquiz” for quizzing over the entire Fact-Pak will receive consideration. (for more information about Autoquiz, please contact Larry Mullins – email:

  • Any other team without the above credentials may petition the Festival committee for consideration.

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